The Critical Care Department renders round-the-clock quality care to all critically ill patients by full-time intensivists. The ICU is equipped with state of a art monitoring system &ventilators. Bed to nurse & doctors ratio is as per international standards.
Continuing with the up-gradation of knowledge for the health care workers the department focuses on holding regular seminars and workshops.ISCCM accredited courses for nurses and doctors are running since 2020.
The Department delivers care and comfort for patients suffering from
#Respiratory failure
#Major trauma
#Kidney failure
#Sepsis &Septic shock
#Cardiac problems
#Post of complicated patients with multi-organ involvement
Life support modality ECMO has recently been added to the armamentarium of services.
The department boasts of the implementation of standard care processes, strict infection control protocols, and regular audits to minimize medication error and focus on patient safety.